
Ant silkworm Learn more about Ant silkworm

  • How to raise ant silkworms

    How to raise ant silkworms

    Ant silkworm is accustomed to be called ant silkworm because the larva just coming out of its shell is small, dark brown and shaped like an ant. The ant silkworm grows rapidly with eating mulberry leaves, the middle of the body gradually turns green, and the bristles become thinner. This period is called the hair thinning period. After that, the body changes further.

    2020-11-11 Ant silkworm how raise ant silkworm because just come out shell larva
  • What kind of food do tiger silkworms eat?

    What kind of food do tiger silkworms eat?

    What kind of food do tiger silkworms eat?

  • Growth process of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Growth process of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Growth process of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

  • Silkworm rearing techniques

    Silkworm rearing techniques

    At present, the silkworm eggs producing silk reeling raw material cocoons are binary hybrids or multiple hybrids, and the technical treatment is roughly the same. Reasonable protection of silkworm eggs and appropriate methods of collecting ants play an important role in the growth and development of silkworms. 1 seed: in the morning or evening when the temperature is low, it is appropriate to prevent the sun or rain, pay attention to ventilation, do not pile up. 2 rejuvenation of silkworm eggs: after the silkworm eggs are brought back from the silkworm farm station, they should continue to be protected in a proper environment

  • The key to rearing silkworm in summer

    The key to rearing silkworm in summer

    At present, in the rural areas of our country, there are many sericulturists, because from the development situation of our country at the present stage, the demand for silk is still very large, not only in our country, but also in foreign countries. But in the process of sericulture, we should pay attention to every season.

    2020-11-08 Summer sericulture silkworm the key at present in China rural areas
  • New technology of rearing silkworm scientifically

    New technology of rearing silkworm scientifically

    The silkworm, Bombyx mori, is a completely metamorphosed silk-spinning insect among the thermophilic animals. After four times of sleep and five instar periods of 26-28 days, the larvae ate more than 20 grams of mulberry leaves to mature silk cocoon, the cocoon was white, the weight was about 1.8-2.3g, the cocoon shell rate was 20-23%, the silk length was 1000-1400 meters, and the silk diameter was 2.63.2 points. Usually, there are 1.8-20000 silkworms in a piece of silkworm eggs, which need 50,600kg mulberry leaves and can produce 30-40kg silkworms. At present, the new scientific breeding techniques have the following five points

  • Silkworm Variety-- Yuefeng No.3

    Silkworm Variety-- Yuefeng No.3

    Examination and approval No.: Guangdong Silkworm 2006002 selection and breeding Unit: Guangdong sericulture Technology extension Center, Department of Silk Science, College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University. Source: Wu / Xuan / / 28 University. characteristics: binary quadruple hybrid varieties with multiple lineages. It has the characteristics of strong physique, resistance to high temperature and humidity, resistance to fluorine and air pollution, good feeding, high yield, excellent cocoon and silk quality, high reproduction coefficient of silkworm eggs and so on. After hatching Qi Yi, the orthogonal ant silkworm is quieter, and the anti-cross ant silkworm is more escaping. The period of young silkworm is dense.

  • Silkworm materials to be prepared before sericulture

    Silkworm materials to be prepared before sericulture

    When it comes to silkworms, maybe many people, like Xiaobian, had the experience of raising silkworms when they were young. Although we were just raising and playing at that time, the process of silkworm breeding from an egg to the final cocoon was always the same, and its breeding process was more or less the same.

    2020-11-08 Sericulture before to prepare of sericulture material speaking of silkworms maybe
  • What do silkworm babies eat in addition to mulberry leaves during their growth?

    What do silkworm babies eat in addition to mulberry leaves during their growth?

    Spring silkworms should not be old, and they are always full of silk day and night. He Xi's body is exhausted, lingering from time to time. This is the Silk Song written by Bao Linghui in the Northern and Southern dynasties. The whole life of the silkworm has gone through the egg ants, the silkworm, the cocoon, the moth, the silkworm, the silkworm, the sil

    2020-11-11 In the process of growing silkworms babies in addition to eating mulberry leaves
  • How to raise silkworm eggs

    How to raise silkworm eggs

    Many friends have raised silkworms on their own, and the moths will die after laying eggs, but the eggs left behind do not know how to re-hatch young silkworms. How on earth should silkworm eggs be raised? How to raise silkworm eggs prepare a clean and tasteless box and put the eggs flat in them

    2020-11-11 Silkworm eggs how raise many friends all have raised silkworms
  • A detailed picture of the growth process of silkworm babies

    A detailed picture of the growth process of silkworm babies

    A detailed picture of the growth process of silkworm babies

  • Method for raising silkworms at home

    Method for raising silkworms at home

    With the continuous development of the rural economy, many people have begun to return to the countryside to start their own businesses. Silkworm breeding is also a good choice. China has always been a silk country, not only in domestic sales, but also exported to foreign countries. family sericulture

    2020-11-08 family sericulture methods along with now rural economy
  • Silkworm disease control

    Silkworm disease control

    The occurrence of silkworm disease is mainly caused by midgut purulent disease and empty malacia. At present, sericulture time and climatic conditions are different, such as hematological purulent disease, stiff disease and other silkworm diseases. First, blood-type purulent disease (commonly known as crawling silkworm, grandmother silkworm) the virus of blood-type purulent disease parasites in the blood of diseased silkworm, the blood of healthy silkworm is colorless and transparent, while the blood of diseased silkworm is milky white, so the diseased silkworm is also called grandma silkworm. Once the silkworm gets sick, the diseased silkworm will crawl frantically with milky pus, so

  • Silkworm seed development technology

    Silkworm seed development technology

    The neat development of silkworm eggs is the primary guarantee for the implementation of automatic clustering of silkworms and an important prerequisite for ensuring high quality and high yield of silkworm cocoons. In order to make the silkworm eggs develop neatly, we must do a good job in the following aspects: first, do a good job in the protection of silkworm eggs after recovery, promote the recovery of hatched silkworm eggs and immediately pour out and spread them in the foil of white paper, put them in a temperature of 26 ℃, a difference of 1.5 ℃ between dry and wet, and protect them in the dark (covered with black cloth). On the day of hatching, the cover is opened at 4: 00 a.m. to 5: 00 a.m. on the day of hatching.

  • How do silkworms become silkworm moths? How many days does it take for the eggs to hatch? How many times do you have to shed your skin in your life? Four growth processes of silkworm babies

    How do silkworms become silkworm moths? How many days does it take for the eggs to hatch? How many times do you have to shed your skin in your life? Four growth processes of silkworm babies

    Bombyx mori, also known as silkworm, silkworm, is a common economic insect in southwest China, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Anhui and other places, because it can spin silk and can be made into a variety of silk fabrics, how does the silkworm become a silkworm moth? How many days does it take for the eggs to hatch? You have to shed your skin several times in your life.

    2020-11-11 Silkworms how to become silkworm moths eggs hatching need how many days silkworms
  • Pay attention to ten points of sericulture in summer and autumn

    Pay attention to ten points of sericulture in summer and autumn

    When it comes to silkworms, we are no stranger. I think many people, like editors, had the experience of sericulture when they were young, but at that time we were raising silkworms for fun, as a kind of good memories of childhood. But many people have to make a fortune by sericulture.

    2020-11-08 In summer and autumn sericulture pay attention ten o'clock speaking of silkworms in fact everyone it is not
  • How big can the silkworm grow?

    How big can the silkworm grow?

    It is a very fulfilling thing to watch it grow from small to big when raising silkworms, so how big can silkworms grow? First, how much can silkworms grow? silkworms can grow up to 6-7 cm long at most. The silkworm will go through four molting times, and each molting will grow larger, according to the molting times.

    2020-11-11 Bombyx mori can grow grow how old sericulture when look at it by small
  • Gui silkworm No.2

    Gui silkworm No.2

    The main results are as follows: 1. The silkworm eggs are treated with high temperature photosensitive green work, 26 in the early stage (1-4 days), 1.5 in the difference between dry and wet, and 1.5-1 in the later stage (5-10 days), photosensitive 16 hours a day, dark protection after seeing the spot to promote the hatching of silkworm eggs. 2. Conscientiously do a good job in disease prevention and disinfection before, during and after sericulture, and strengthen disease prevention hygiene and technical treatment during the silkworm period, so as to eliminate the source of disease and reduce the occurrence of diseased silkworm. 3. Fresh and ripe mulberry leaves should be carefully selected for ant collection and food. 4. Zhuang

  • Gui silkworm No.1

    Gui silkworm No.1

    The main results are as follows: 1. The silkworm eggs are treated with high temperature photosensitive green work, 26 in the early stage (1-4 days), 1.5 in the difference between dry and wet, and 1.5-1 in the later stage (5-10 days), photosensitive 16 hours a day, dark protection after seeing the spot to promote the hatching of silkworm eggs. 2. Conscientiously do a good job in disease prevention and disinfection before, during and after sericulture, and strengthen disease prevention hygiene and technical treatment during the silkworm period, so as to eliminate the source of disease and reduce the occurrence of diseased silkworm. 3. Fresh and ripe mulberry leaves should be carefully selected for ant collection and food. 4. the strong silkworm stage, especially the five-year-old feeding period.

  • Common insect pests in sericulture

    Common insect pests in sericulture

    Common insect pests in sericulture
